Manage your Mastercard account
You can manage your Mastercard account online at any time with the Card Assets - This link will open in a new window. online tool. Once your Card Assets account is created, you can review your transactions, pay your account balance and register to receive and view your account statements online.
Required document
The document to which your new card was affixed.
- Call the special Card Assets activation hotline at 1-800-854-7642 and follow the instructions
- Sign your new card.
You can begin using your new card as soon as it is activated.
Assign a PIN to your Desjardins Bank Mastercard to get cash advances:
- at any ATM displaying the Mastercard or Cirrus logo, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, throughout the world, including Desjardins ATMs in Canada
- at any Desjardins Bank teller counter
Notice: Cash advances may not be obtained at Desjardins caisse teller counters in Canada.
Act now
By phone
Card Assets: 1-800-854-7642
As a Desjardins Bank Mastercard holder, you can request an additional card for your spouse or other family member at no charge.
Act now
By phone
Card Assets: 1-800-854-7642
For fast, secure access to your account statements from wherever you happen to be, sign up to receive your account statements online.
Act now
Use the Card Assets - This link will open in a new window. online tool.
By phone
Card Assets: 1-800-854-7642
Need more flexibility for daily or unexpected expenses? Apply for a credit limit increase on your Desjardins Bank Mastercard.
Act now
By phone
Card Assets: 1-800-854-7642
You can pay your bill in one of the following ways:
Use the Card Assets - This link will open in a new window. online tool.
To register for Desjardins Bank Online Banking, contact an advisor at your Desjardins Bank branch.